How to Add Meta Description to Blog ti Boost Search Traffic

Add Meta Description to Blog Boost Search Traffic- To add a meta description to a blog is very easy. The process hardly takes a minute and no html or any other coding is needed but many of the bloggers do not care about the Meta Description in their blogs. Though it is not necessarily required by all major search engines yet it is very useful to boost up search traffic. Meta Tags and Titles provide elements used by search engines and always used in Search Engine Optimization. Therefore it is highly recommended to provide meta description. This description, a brief explanation about your blog within a limit of 150 character and may prove to be very useful. To add meta description to your blog.
Add Meta Description to Blog Boost Search Traffic
Login to your blogger dash Board>Setting>Search preference. 
Now the following screen will appear
Blogger Search preference

Here you will see a word “description        [Disabled] Edit” just below the word “Meta tags”. Click on edit and select ‘yes’. Now another screen like en below will appear-
Metta tag description description

Now write the best description of your blog within a limit of 150 

That’s all, now save and exit your dash board.

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