How to Check your computer’s Performance, base score, Find Windows System Performance Rating

How to Check your computer’s Performance, base score, and Detailed report in windows - Windows 7 has arrangements to measures the capability of your computer's hardware and software configuration and gives you the result in numbers. These numbers called the base score. The computer ratings are given as base score ranging from 1 to 9. The performance of the computer with base score 1 will be lowest or the worst and the computer with base score 9 will be highest or the excellent. Thus higher the base score better the computer performance and lower the base score poorer the computer performance. Each hardware is also given a sub score too but if an individual sub score is 3.5, it will not effect the average base score but the base score will also be 3.5. You can use this base score to plan the improvement in the performance of your computer by purchasing new software or replacing a component. To find the base score and comprehensive report of your computer follow these steps -

Click start>Click Control panel. Now the following screen will appear -
Review your computer's status

Now click on “Review your computer’s status. Now the following screen will appear -

Now click “View performance information”. Now the following screen will appear -
You can vie or print details
Now click “Rate and improve your computer’s performance”. Now the following screen will appear  and a process will begin and display your base score.
Performance checking process

To view or print the comprehensive report click on “View and print detailed performance and system information” as indicated in the above screen. You can view, save or print the report.

windows 10 experience index score, windows experience index windows, winaero wei tool, what is windows experience index, what is a good wei score windows 10, does windows 10 have performance rating, How do I check my computer's performance rating, How do I find my computer's base score, How do I check my computer's performance Windows 10.

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