How to verify your blogger custom domain ownership using Google’s Unique Security Token,

How to verify your blogger custom domain ownership using Google’s Unique Security Token

When you purchase a domain name from a Domain Registrar and want to use it on your blog you will need to prove that you are the real owner of this domain name otherwise Google will not accept it on your blogger blog. Google has provided an easy system to verify the ownership of your domain using Google’s Unique Security Token. 

How to use Google\s Unique to verify custom domain ownership

The verification may differ on the websites of various domain registrars. The procedure to verify ‘godaddy’, a prominent registrar is given below 

 Login to your blogger dash board

Click settings and select basic. The following screen will appear.
Blogger Settng Basic Screen
Under ‘Publishing’ click ”Setup a third party URL for your blog”, 
Now the following screen will appear.
Blogger third party domain screen

Type your ‘Domain Name’ which you have already purchased just after ‘http://’. Please start your URL with ‘www’ because if you don’t type you will receive a message that naked domain names are not accepted.

Click ‘Save’.

You will receive an error message like the one given above –

Now in the above error message find the word ‘here’ as shown above and click it. Now you will receive a message asking you to leave the page. Like this –
Blogger setting confirmation screen

Please click ‘Leave Page’. Now you will be directed to Google webmaster domain verification page and the following screen will appear-
Domain nme provider method

Select your domain name provider. Then click “Add a TXT record.
You will be provided a string like this.


Now login to ‘godaddy’, the registrar of the domain.

Click ‘My Account’ and then click ‘manage my ‘domains’. All your 
domains will be listed.
Godaddy domain screen

Select and Click the domain name you want to verify. You will be 
directed to the new page, the Domain Details page like this-
DNS zone screen

Now click ‘DNS Zone’, the next screen will appear like this.
All domain screen
Now click ‘Use Classic DNS Manager’. Your blogs ‘Advance 
settings’ will be displayed like this –
Zone file editor screen
Scroll down and find TXT(Text) and click ‘Quick add’. A new row 
will open.
Quick add screen

Under Host put’@’ and copy the text string you received on Google Domain Verification page and paste it under under ‘Text Value’. You may leave the TTL as default.

Click 'Save  Zone file' on Top Right or bottom left and follow instructions if any.

Now go back to Google webmaster Domain Verification page and click ‘Verify’.

You must receive congratulation message from google web master.

That all. You are done.

Google site verification, google-site-verification dns, google search console, google-site-verification meta tag example, verify domain ownership, google webmaster tools, google domains, google verification, How do I verify ownership of a Google domain, How do I get my blog verified by Google, How do I verify who owns a domain name, How do I verify domain ownership using DNS records.


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