Submit Website to Bing Webmaster Bing Search Engine Bing Webmaster Tools

How to Submit URLs to Bing Search Engine to Enhance your blog traffic-Bing is a mocrosoft network owned search engine and the second largest search engine of the worls. If you index your website and its URLs at Bing, the possibility of coming traffic to your website/blog is very high. In addition to indexing your blog/website you can submit your URLs directly also, though bing has prescribed a limit for a day and for a month. You can submit the URLs remaining in the prescribed limit. You can submit allowed number of URLs all at a time or one by one as you wish.  For submitting URLs to Bing you must have a microsoft account and you must be the verified owner of the blog/website. You can Click here to know how to verify the ownership of your website/blog. To submit your URLs go to Bing Webmastertools -

Login screen Bing webmaster hom page

Sign in with any msn account. Any account at Hotmail, Out look,, MSN skydrive etc. will do. You will go your dashboard and your site will appear. If you have more than one site/blog all your websites/blogs will be listed. Please select the site/blog of which you want to submit the URLs. Now the following screen will be displayed -
Bingboat site configuration screen
Now click “Configure My Site”, the following screen will appear -
Bing URL Submission Screen

Now click “Submit URLs”, Now this screen will appear -
Enter your URLs here
Here you will see the screen to enter the URLs for submission, How many URLs you have submitted today and how many more URLs you are still allowed to submit more today and how many URLs you have submitted during this month and the URLs still allowed to submit during the current month.

You can enter one URL per line and if a YRL is longer than a line, it will be not accepted for submission.
Enter the URL/URLs and press “SUBMIT”.

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